Emergency Preparedness
Emergency Alerts
Sign up here for Deschutes County Emergency Alerts
Additionally, Deschutes County has a great emergency preparedness resource page which includes a preparedness handbook, preparedness brochure, and an emergency essentials checklist for a “go bag” and more.
Water Wise Resources
Current Deschutes Basin Storage Information: https://www.usbr.gov/pn/hydromet/destea.html
EPA WaterSense: https://www.epa.gov/watersense
Deschutes County Soil & Water Conservation District: https://www.deschutesswcd.org/services
City of Bend Water Conservation: https://www.bendoregon.gov/government/departments/utilities/conservation
City of Bend WaterWise Guides: https://www.bendoregon.gov/government/departments/utilities/conservation/waterwise-guides