Welcome to the Neighborhood!

Upcoming Events

Who are we?

The Larkspur Neighborhood Association is a voluntary association of residents and businesses, recognized by the City of Bend, Oregon and created to provide opportunities to focus on issues that are important to neighborhoods: crime prevention, community gardens, clean-up projects, traffic safety issues, sidewalk improvements, bicycle access ways, trails and parks, noxious weed abatement, fire protection plans, and more.

We believe that the collective voices from a Neighborhood Association can make a change and have a positive influence on how our city evolves. We encourage residents to come together to invest in the long-term livability of our neighborhood, community and city.

If you live in the Larkspur boundaries, you’re a part of the neighborhood whether you rent or own, and you’re invited to participate in our organization.


Where are we?

The borders of the Larkspur neighborhood run roughly from Highway 20 and Franklin Blvd on the north to Reed Market Road on the south, and from the Parkway on the west to the eastern border of the Urban Growth Boundary. To explore an interactive map of Bend, click here.


Join Us!

Board Members: We’re looking for new board members! Are you interested in volunteering and giving back to your neighborhood? We’d love to hear from you and have you on our board.

Virtual Meetings: Our board meets monthly (via Zoom for now), usually on the third Monday evening of the month. Sometimes they feature guest speakers and other times they focus on board operations. No matter what, all meetings are open to everyone and offer a platform for public input. We also hold an annual meeting where we invite several speakers to talk about current issues important to our part of town. In recent meetings, for example, we have had discussions of street and sewer projects, water use, fire safety and new park plans. Check out our Facebook page for upcoming events.

Facebook: Between meetings, our main forum for staying connected has been through our Facebook page. Not on Facebook? Scroll down to subscribe to our e-newsletter instead!

Would you like to display a ‘slow Down’ sign on your street?